Helianth Partners provides Technical Assistance for SALC with the goal of expanding inclusion of socially disadvantaged farmers, ranchers, and Tribes.

SALC Training: Joint Session

Supporting Equity in Agricultural Land Conservation Workshop

JUNE 10, 2024
10am – 12pm

Training Details

Technical Assistance providers for the Department of Conservation hosted a three-part training series on how to increase engagement and inclusion of Socially Disadvantaged Farmers, Ranchers, and Tribes for projects funded by the Sustainable Agricultural Land Conservation program. Sessions were a combination of information sharing, peer exchange, and interactive workshop-style segments.

Training Materials

View or download materials from this session in the window below or use this link.
To access the full library of resources compiled for this technical assistance effort:
USE this link.

For additional Technical Assistance, including support developing community engagement strategies, navigating the SALC application process, or guidance in other SALC-related topics, complete the form below or email salc@helianthpartners.com.

Email salc@helianthpartners.com for more information

The California Strategic Growth Council approves all SALC funding awards and oversees implementation of SALC by DOC.

California Dept. of Conservation (DOC) administers SALC and is the official point of contact for all SALC-related inquiries.

SALC is funded by California Cap-and-Trade Proceeds to support greenhouse gas emissions reductions.